Policies and Procedures 

Our Trustees ensure that we have policies and procedures in place which govern how we operate, ensuring we are meeting our legal requirements and can maintain a consistent and transparent approach to all our work.
These policies are reviewed annually by our Trustees. 

Our policies and procedures are divided into three areas:

Organisational policies
which include Health and Safety Policies, supervision policy and employment policies and procedures for staff

Finance policies
 to ensure we are meeting our legal and charity requirements on finance and protecting public monies.

Service policies
 which include our safeguarding policies, data protection policies and access policies.

Our organisational and finance policies and procedures are internal documents.
To view our service policies scroll down

Access to Services Policy

Access Policy: This policy sets out the criteria for eligibility to use our services and what you can expect.

Anti Harassment and Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Harassment and Anti Bullying Policy: We believe that having a culture that is diverse, equitable and inclusive is core to everything we strive to achieve and to the organisational environment we wish to protect. We do a lot to support our inclusive culture and you can read more about this in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy and in our Trans & Non-binary Inclusion policy.

One key aspect of protecting our culture and our people is seeking to eradicate bullying or harassment in the workplace/at work. This policy supports this aim by setting out the steps we will take to investigate and deal with complaints of bullying or harassment and how we support those affected. 

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice: Bromley Y holds personal information about children and young people it provides services too.
This information is shared with other organisations and protected under the Data Protection Act.

We keep information about you so that we can:
• arrange the right service for you
• plan and improve our services
• look into any concerns you may have about our services
• keep in touch with you.

We also give your information to other government organisations, so they can monitor how we are doing and plan
services for children across the UK. READ OUR PRIVACY POLICY.  

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Complaints Policy: We aim to provide the best possible service, but if we should, in your opinion, fall short of the high standards we set, there is a redress procedure described in the policy which you can use. We value service users’ thoughts and feelings and welcome constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn. Staff will listen and take a note of any complaints in a non-judgemental and courteous way and will apologise if they are in the wrong.

Data Protection Policies and Procedures

Data Protection Policies and Procedures: These policies cover all our activities and processes that use personal information in any format. It relates to all our staff and others acting for or on behalf of Bromley Y when accessing personal information. This policy applies in conjunction with specific procedures and guidelines, which are also available at this page..

Equality and Diversity Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy: This policy details our commitment to meeting the needs and aspirations of service users and communities in a fair, respectful, and proportionate manner. Our approach to diversity and equality is to promote inclusiveness by recognising that anyone, can make a positive difference in the achievement of the organisation’s vision and in the wider society.

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures for Children and Young People

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures for Children and Young People which outlines our commitment to the welfare and the safeguarding of children and young people within all the activities we undertake. Safeguarding is about embedding practices throughout our organisation to ensure the protection of children and young people wherever possible.

We audit our implementation of this policy through regular audits which are available on this site

Safeguarding Policy for Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Policy for Vulnerable Adults, the purpose is to outline the duty and responsibility of all our staff, volunteers and Trustees in relation to Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults as all adults have the right to be safe from harm and must be able to live free from fear of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

We audit our implementation of this policy through regular audits which are available on this site


SEND: Bromley Y is part of the local offer for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) this policy outlines what individuals can expect from Bromley Y and the process for those expectations.

Sustainable Environment Policy:

Sustainable Environment Policy: This policy details our commitment to working towards sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the interests of future generations. Staff are required to support this policy in their everyday work.

Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Policy

Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Policy: Bromley Y is committed to providing an environment that is inclusive and welcoming, where are people are enabled to reach their full potential and treated as individuals. This policy relates to both Trans and Non-Binary people and is a statement of support for both.

Bromley Y does not discriminate on the grounds of gender reassignment, gender identity, gender expression or gender presentation, treating everyone with dignity and respect. We have a 'zero tolerance' approach to bullying and harassment in the workplace. This includes any harassment or targeted treatment because of a person's gender identity, gender reassignment or expression.

The policy specifically sets out the inclusive practices we take to support transgender and non-binary employees in the workplace so that they feel that they belong and are able to thrive.  

Independent Registered Charity No. 291181 Company No. 1844941

Our Governance


17 Ethelbert Road,

020 3770 8848
Lines are open 9-5pm Mon-Friday
Closed Bank Holidays & Sundays
Bromley Y is not a crisis service

Other Help Lines
  • Childline 0800 1111
  • Samaritans 116 123
  • Saneline 0300 304 7000
  • HOPElink UK 0800 068 4141
  • CAMHS crisis line: 020 3229 5980 is open 9-11pm 365 days per year