Children & Young People can be referred to Bromley Y if they meet the following criteria:
They must have a Bromley postcode, or a Bromley GP
and they must be under 18 years of age.
However, if they have an Education & Health Care Plan or, they are care leavers, we can work with them until they are 25 years of age.
Your data will be protected in line with our Data Protection Policy and GDPR guidelines
You can download the referral form PDF (button below) and send completed to:
You should receive an automated reply - if you don't, please call us to check we have received your email.
You can download the referral form PDF complete by hand and send to:
Bromley Y
17 Ethelbert Road,
You can call us on and the referral team will be able to help.
020 3770 8848
Alternatively please request the referral form to be sent to your home address.