Support We Offer
Once you have been assessed at Bromley Y, your practitioner will talk through the treatment options they believe will help most or, they may decide that another organisation could help you better and they would discuss this with you.
Below is a list of the types of support we can offer.

Webinars, Workshops and Groups
We deliver a number of webinars, workshops and groups for both young people and/or their parents/carers to give education, guidance and strategies to support and improve wellbeing.
Our group work and workshops aim to educate both Parents and Young People about taking care of your own and other’s wellbeing.
Through education we hope to build resilience and support to develop coping strategies for specific issues. The groups and webinars we offer vary throughout the year and provide a valuable opportunity to connect with others who are having similar difficulties.
Groups and webinars run throughout the year and are tailored for young people with additional groups and webinars for parents/carers to help support their child. Themes covered include: managing low mood, anxiety, stress and relationships.

Getting Help for Under 11s
Our work with primary age children involves working closely with parents/carers and external agencies collaboratively to help understand their difficulties.
In most cases, work for under 11s is with the parent or carer, in recognition of the vital role they play in a child’s life. We offer evidence-based interventions to support parents and carers in understanding the presenting issues and empowering them to help and enable their child.
A key aspect of our work with primary age children is linking with their school and any other practitioners/agencies involved. This enables us to form a clearer picture of their needs, external support available or already being provided, and to ensure that we work together to hold the child in the centre of our planning.
Parents with under 5’s are recommended to liaise with their health visitor and we will also help link with early year’s education settings, if we feel this is appropriate.

Our Work with Over 11s
We work with service users over 11 years of age from a ‘young person’ centred perspective. This means we plan with them and make decisions together about things that affect them.
We encourage young people to be active partners working with practitioners and other adults in their life to bring about change and build resilience.
Adolescence can be a difficult time and we take these developmental changes into account during our assessments and treatments with over 11s. This is a time where significant mental health problems can emerge and we look out for these, providing appropriate treatment and onward referrals if required.
We accept self-referrals from young people if they are 16+ years old. You can find out more about consent and ‘Gillick competence’ by follow this link. ( BY Information)
For more information:
The most common difficulties that service users over 11 present with are anxiety and depression, however, an important part of our work with this age group is to manage risk around self-harm and suicide. If there is risk, we will carry out a ‘Keep Safe Plan’ and share this with a parent/carer or another adult, as appropriate, to ensure the young person’s safety.
We develop a partnership with young people where they feel held, listened to and able to share their concerns. This partnership helps them feel motivated to engage with the service and potentially set goals for improving their wellbeing.

Our work with Children Looked After and Children Leaving Care
Bromley Y works with local partners on the Bromley Corporate Parenting Board to ensure that for Children Looked After and Children Leaving Care receive appropriate support.
Bromley Y’s needs-led approach means that we recognise Children Looked After (CLA) and Children Leaving Care (CL) as having priority needs and we offer a service which includes:
• faster allocation to sessions with a practitioner
• access to community mentoring where appropriate
• support up to age of 25
Out of Borough (OOB) CLA/CL placed in Bromley can access Bromley services. All that is required is that they have a Bromley GP and Bromley post code.
Support for professionals includes:
• workshops for Foster Carers and Young Person’s Advisors
• consultation for Young Person’s Advisors (CYP’s) around supporting young people with Anxiety or Depression and making referrals to Bromley are also available.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
(SEND) and Education & Healthcare Plans (EHCPs)
From the point of referral, assessment and through to treatment, Bromley Y considers the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The support we offer includes:
• Interventions up to the age of 25 to CYP with SEND
• Contribution to EHCP assessments after an assessment or an intervention with us.
• Tailored Interventions based on an understanding of SEND
We also signpost families and supporting referrals to other local services such as Bromley MENCAP, CASPA Bromley, Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) and The Inclusion Support Advisory Team (ISAT).
If it is felt the needs of the child or young person are too complex for early intervention and the support Bromley Y can offer, then a referral to Bromley CAMHS will be made. For children and young people with an EHCP in place, a referral would be made to the Complex Needs Team.

Traded Services
Bromley Y provides bought-in services to schools and other organisations such as:
In-house school counselling and wellbeing service (primary and secondary)
Provided in the form of individual or group based therapeutic mental health wellbeing support
to young people.
Practitioners support students to build resilience, manage relationships better, manage anxiety and low mood.
We work closely with the mental health lead in school to support young people, provide consultation to staff and help to prepare CAMHS referrals.
Support in Other organisations
Organisations working with children or their families can buy-in, individual and group based therapeutic interventions for children and young people with mild to moderate emotional wellbeing needs according to their needs. This can be provided at the organisation’s premises, remotely, or at Bromley Y.
Consultation and Supervision for Professionals
We provide a consultation service to professionals offering advice and/or supervisory services to support their work with young people. Those working directly with young people in education, health or social care may find this form of consultation-supervision service useful.
For more information about any of the above services please contact: [email protected]

What is mentoring?
Our mentoring scheme supports young people from 14 to 18 years of age who may benefit from longer term support, beyond therapy. It involves being matched with an adult volunteer to have regular meetings in the community for a period of 6-12 months. Mentoring meetings typically involve things like enjoying a walk outdoors, getting a hot drink or food together, or an activity i.e. bowling/table tennis. We aim to match young people with a mentor who has similar interests, where possible.
What is a mentor?
The role of a mentor is to build a supportive, encouraging and trusting relationship with the young person that enables them to feel listened to and allows them to work towards any goals they may have. Young people may benefit from the scheme for a variety of reasons, such as ongoing difficulties with peer or family relationships, challenging home or financial situations, or struggles with social anxiety and communication.
Mentors work individually with each young person, but they can mentor up to two young people at any one time. It is normal to start with one young person before taking on another one after a few months.
This is what one of our young people said about the experience of having a mentor:
“The Bromley Y mentoring scheme has been a tremendous help for me. The scheme has allowed me to open up to someone new who I knew wouldn’t judge me or try to use the information I gave them against me.
I found speaking to my family and friends about the things going on in my life difficult because often they failed to understand the situation properly or took it the wrong way. With a Bromley Y mentor I was able to discuss these issues and they would instantly understand and encourage me to find ways to deal with the things that were not going so well for me in life. Since having a Bromley Y mentor, I feel that I have become: more confident, more able to solve problems on my own, and more comfortable in myself. In fact, I would go so far to say I have made a friend out of the mentoring scheme, the scheme is really that casual and fun! For these reasons and more, I would definitely recommend the Bromley Y mentoring scheme to anyone!”

Consultancy & Supervision
Our Work in Schools and Other Organisations
“Bromley Y offers a number of interventions in schools, some of which are provided by the Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) and other trailored interventions which can be bought-in by schools in Bromley.
We also offer consultation, advice and supervisory services to schools and non-educational organisations. For more information about this, please email