Hearing directly from our service users
is important to us.
Feedback included thoughts about Bromley Y waiting times, initial contact appointments, support provided and general comments. We outline and reflect on the findings in this report.

Most Recent Feedback
Here is some lovely feedback from one of our parents. The young person’s name has been changed for the sake of anonymity.
May I just say the biggest thank you for giving us our little girl back. We know we have to be consistent and still have a way to go, but you have facilitated Poppy, and us, with so many tools to help fight her demons and make family life so much more pleasant.
You have been nothing but fantastic from start to finish. From that day in December when we first spoke, you made me comfortable, and were non-judgemental. You got me, as a teaching-parent and Poppy clicked with you right away.
After every session, Poppy was excited (no matter how rough her previous day or that morning) saying she feels great and has been open to awesome conversations in the drive back to school.
You have no idea what these sessions have done for us as a family. You make a difference everyday, not just to these little people, but us big people too. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to your role.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you. Never give up doing what you are doing. I am sure there are tough days but you are changing the future generation with every step you make.
Feedback from
Feedback from
Parents and Carers
Feedback from
We strongly believe that seeking the feedback from users their families and our partners enables us to ensure we are delivering and developing quality services that meet the needs of individuals. To do this, we like to gather as much feedback as possible.
We are extremely grateful for all feedback we receive. As an organisation, we are always thinking creatively about providing more opportunities for those in the Bromley Borough to give their feedback and have undertaken projects to hear more views on what is needed, directly from those needing it.

Over 400 young people, parents/carers and school professionals shared their thoughts and knowledge of mental health support available in Bromley.
Read the full report or summaries below showing how Bromley Y is responding to this feedback.