Our Governance

As a Charity, Bromley Y has a Board of Trustees who ensure that policies, systems and procedures are in place and that the Charity encourages good attitudes, relationships, values and transparency.

The Trustees aim to deliver the Charity’s purpose as effectively as possible demonstrating leadership, integrity, accountability, and sound judgement.

More information about our Policies and Procedures and Governance is available by clicking on the links below.

Establishing The Right Connections


The Charities Commission states that


“Trustees have overall control of a charity and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do. Trustees are the people who lead the charity and decide how it is run. Being a trustee means making decisions that will impact on people’s lives. Depending on what the charity does, you will be making a difference to your local community or to society as a whole. Trustees use their skills and experience to support their charities, helping them achieve their aims”.


Bromley Y
 welcomes applications for new Trustees from all backgrounds.
Please see our vacancy page for current Trustee vacancies.


If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, please contact us and we will respond to you.
We aspire to have a diverse and inclusive workplace where our employees feel psychologically safe, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds to apply and join our organisation..


Our Board of Trustees has a pivotal role within Bromley Y which includes:
• Setting the strategic direction
• Agreeing statement of purpose (Link to Aims page)
• Establishing policy and procedures (Link to policy and procedures page)
• Scrutinising our work to ensure it fits with these
• Establishing employment procedures
• Ensuring compliance with our governing document and with the law
• Ensuring accountability as required by law to the Charity Commission, HM Revenue and Customs and the Registrar of Companies as we are a company limited by guarantee as well. The Board also makes certain that we are accountable to donors, beneficiaries, staff, volunteers, and the public.
• Maintaining proper fiscal oversight which includes securing sufficient resources, monitoring spending, providing insurance to protect from any liability
• Approving the annual financial statement and budget and publishing annual reports and accounts. These can be found here (Link to annual report page)
• To be ambassadors for the organisation


The Charities Commission has produced a useful publication on the role and responsibilities of Trustees available at:



The Gov.uk website also contains various sources of information on the role of Trustees


In order to enable our Board to deliver on its responsibilities it is vital to have the skills within the Board to carry these out and to clarify on what each member “brings to the table “in terms of skills and experience. These include skills and experience in finance and accounting, human resources, legal, and contracting especially in the third sector. Experience related directly to the services provided is also a vital component this would include skills and experience in education, health, children and young people’s mental health and experience of using the services provided as an individual and parent.


We also have a parent representative on our Board with the voice of children and young people being heard via our participation groups. (Link to Participation Group)


Our Board reflects this range of skills and experience.
Details of our Trustees and their skills and experience can be found Here on Our Trustees Page
if you are interested in becoming a Trustee, please contact us



Our Board of Trustees meet six times a year with the Director in attendance along with a Parent Representative, a Staff Representative, and other staff, as required, including a minute taker. We also have two Councillors (representing Bromley Council) who attend our meetings.


The meeting’s agenda follows a format to ensure that our Trustees meet their responsibilities as outlined (Link to Role of Our Trustees). This includes reviewing minutes of the last meeting, a report from the Chairman on his activity, a report from the Director on what is happening in the services and any issues that have arisen, a report from the finance sub-committee chaired by the Treasurer, and key performance data from the previous quarter. Additional reports are provided on policies and procedures, service development etc. The minutes of these are available to the public.


There are occasions when meetings cover sensitive issues such as staff salaries, performance and market sensitive information about contracts or tenders; minutes of which are not available.


The Board meets six times a year, more if required and copies of the agenda and minutes are available on request. If you would like to view copies of these, please contact us.



As part of the requirements of the Charity Commission we must prepare accounts and Trustees’ Annual Report in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice – Accounting and Reporting by Charities (Charities SORP).


We hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to report on our activities for the previous year, as well as producing an Annual Report which includes our audited accounts for the previous year, as submitted to the Charities Commission. The Annual General Meetings are open to all who have an interest in our work and are usually held in November each year.


You can find our Annual Reports, since 2017 below. If you would like copies of Annual Reports for earlier years or copies of Audited Accounts, please send us an email using the Contact button at the top of this page.


Annual Report 2017


Annual Report 2018


Annual Report 2019


Annual Report 2020


Annual Report 2021


Annual Report 2022


Annual Report 2023


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